The easy-play hockey game for Fitness and Fun!

Rollerhoc now indoors every Wednesday Evening
8-10pm at Maccabi Sports Centre, Giffnock.
Join us for Rollerhoc at the Maccabi Sports Centre, May Terrace, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6LD.
No need to prebook, but ideally send Allan a message to check the session has not been cancelled for any reason. Or join our chat group.
These sessions are open to all, and costs just £7.
We can provide sticks if required. All you need to play is skates (inlines or quads), pads and a helmet. No specialised hockey gear is required.
We have a Messenger Group Chat which posts details of all Rollerhoc and Roller Hockey Sessions. If you would like to be added, then either contact Allan via the contacts page or email allantryskating@gmail.com or text 07766 117365
Rollerhoc is a much gentler version of Roller Hockey, or rink hockey and although it is non-contact, safety gear is compulsory, so you must bring and wear pads and a helmet otherwise you will not be allowed to play. Normal skate pads and skate helmet are all you need.
We always welcome new players and it really is the best way to improve your general skating while having some fun and getting a great work out too.
Not sure you could handle it? Then come along and watch first, but bring your skates anyway as you'll want to join in.
ROLLERHOC™ is based on Unihoc (similar to Floorball) but played on wheels. It is a high energy low cost activity, exciting, full of fun and easy to learn. It improves your fitness more than you can imagine and considerably enhances your skating skills.
The game originated in 2010 but we don't claim to be the only inventor of this hockey adaptation. It is likely other groups play their own version of this game on wheels. Do not confuse Rollerhoc with roller hockey they are two very different games.
An adult game is played indoors by mixed players of ALL ages, normally 4 a side (no less than 3, no more than 5) using short hockey sticks playing a light puck (or ball). Sticks, must not be longer than 125cms from the tip of the blade to the end of the handle and is used by all players including the goalkeeper. The short stick is an inherent part of the game.
Players should have had some skating experience and know how to stop. You do not have to be a good skater to take part. If you cannot skate at all but would like to play Rollerhoc take skating lessons first to help you get started.
Rollerhoc Rules help protect skaters safety. These are the main points:
1a No bodily contact between players allowed.
b Aggressive play is unacceptable.
c Holding, hitting, hooking or kicking opponents strictly forbidden.
d Sticks must not be longer than 125cms.
e The puck must never go above shoulder height.
f Rollerhoc can be played with or without a goalkeeper.
Instead of tossing a coin, at the beginning of each match the goalkeepers will determine which side takes the first face-off, both playing a puck simultaneously from the crease into the centre circle. The remaining players stand on their respective base lines. The puck nearest the centre spot will be the side that takes the face-off and can do so immediately without having to wait to be whistled by the Referee.
At the start of the second half the losing side takes precedence at face-offs and can do so immediately.
A team which has lost a goal passes the puck backwards to another team player using the stick as and when they are ready. The puck is in the game as soon as it is played. Before face-offs all players must be on their own sides of the mid-line, and only the passing player is allowed in the centre circle. (or 3 meters, should there be no floor markings.)
The full game is two or three periods of 20 mins actual playing time with a break in-between. For this game teams ideally need a minimum of ten players with any five on court at one time. Substitutions are allowed during the game preferably when the puck is out of play. (see rule 2f) Players on the bench are not allowed to coach players while play is in progress except for the team captain.
The short game is won by the first team to score three goals. In subsequent short games the team players may be interchanged to make competitive matches. When there are more than two teams available for play a 5-minute time limit is imposed to rotate games more fairly.
Play should be continuous. There must be no unnecessary delays which spoil the pace of the game. The referee may penalise the side wasting time.
The puck must pass between two attacking players in the opponents half after they have crossed over the halfway line before scoring. Otherwise, the goal is disallowed
A Goal is Disallowed....
2a if an opposing player strikes the puck within the marked goal area. (the crease)
b  if an opposing player has failed to cross the halfway line before playing the puck.
c if another opposing player is within the crease when the puck is played.
d if a player falls, drops the stick, hits the goal, collides with another player or touches the wall after
hitting the puck.
e if the puck does not pass the goals floor cord at the front of the goal.
f if the player commits any foul while scoring.
There are three types of penalties.
When awarded by the referee a penalty is taken within the offending team's half-court by a player from the non-offending team. The penalty will be taken immediately after the foul, provided the game has stopped play. However, if the game continued without stopping the penalty will be "carried" and taken when the puck is next out of play.
The team executing the shot stays behind the half rink line, and the defending team stays behind the extended goal line until the puck is back in play. The player taking the penalty, from the halfway line, is free to move about the defenders half of the court (except the crease) with the puck until ready to shoot at goal. (a goal-shot)
The defending side is not allowed to change goalkeepers until after the penalty has been completed.
The goalkeeper must always stand and remain in the crease. Should the goalkeeper move out of the crease or not remain standing throughout, the penalty is immediately awarded.
When there's no score from a goal-shot the puck is immediately back in play, the game continues with all players participating.
End of game penalties, are played to determine a winning side. In this instance, both teams stand on the halfway line and take it in turn to score, sharing the same goal at one end of the rink.
3a The referee decides how penalties are related to fouls. The referee's decision is final.
b The more serious form of a foul, the harder the penalty. Generally all fouls are at least punished by a
free stroke taken at the point where the foul is committed. For some fouls a minimum penalty is given
with the description of the foul in the list below.
c The team conceding the free stroke must stand back 3 meters from the puck.
A goal cannot be scored direct from a free stroke.
d To keep the game flowing, the referee will not necessarily stop the game for every single foul. In this
instance a player may be "carrying a foul" until the next goal. Should that goal be scored by the player
"carrying a foul" it will not count in the score. The referee will give the reason for disallowing the goal.
e Persistent Fouling - A player who fouls 3 times in a single game is automatically sent to the penalty box
(sin-bin) for a time specified by the referee.
f During the game it is permitted to substitute players at any time. The player going off must leave the
playing area first before the substitute is allowed on. Should play continue with an extra player a penalty
will then be awarded to the opposing side.
g Lifting, holding or carrying the blade of the stick above waist-level.
h Carrying or bouncing the puck on the stick whilst skating.
i Note the puck is not allowed to touch above knee-level in shooting
but one can speed up one's stick below the waist-level before shooting.
j Hitting the puck above shoulder height. (i.e. shoulder height of the smallest player standing on skates)
k Allowing the stick to come in contact with an opponent above the waist even by accident.
l Throwing, slashing, thrashing, sweeping, tripping, chopping, hooking, jumping on another
player's stick.
m Putting the stick between another player's legs, holding another player's stick by the hand
​ or hitting someone with the stick.
n Only one player at a time is permitted to challenge an opponent for possession of the puck. (1-2-1)
o Holding, leaning on, pushing an opponent or tackling someone with the body.
p Touching the puck with arm, hand or any part of the body unless it is done on purpose by the opposing
q Catching or stopping the puck with "free" hand. (except goalkeeper within the crease.)
r Passing the puck with the foot to a player on one's own team (either on purpose or accidentally.)
However, it is allowed to kick the puck to one's own stick, and the game does not stop
if a person kicks the puck and an opponent gets it.
s It is not allowed to kick the puck two or more times, not even to yourself.
t Kicking the puck into your own side's goal (even within the crease) counts as a score.
u Taking part in the game off-wheels, i.e., on knees or in lying-down position. After falling,
the puck becomes "dead" until played by an opponent.
v Holding, touching or leaning on the rink wall, barrier or curtain, should this happen
(even accidentally) the puck becomes "dead" until played by an opponent.
w Players sitting-out on the bench are not allowed to interfere with play.
x Delaying the game intentionally, time wasting, arguing with the referee, a goal may be deducted from
the existing score.
This list is not exhaustive.
Collisions jeopardize the future of Rollerhoc when it is not played within the spirit of the game.
The rules are unequivocal, contact must be avoided while play is in progress. It is the essence of the game.
There is a high risk of injury when opposing players collide and fall. Should a player cause injury to an opponent resulting in that player having to "bench" then the player causing the injury will be sent to the penalty box (sin-bin) for a time specified by the referee. The injured player can be substituted.
4a The referee will penalise colliding players. In a 50-50 situation where blame cannot be apportioned the
referee will either award a free stroke to the defending team or a centre circle face-off. The referee's
decision is final.
Playing with a Goalkeeper: Goalkeepers' privileges only apply within a marked area called the crease.
The crease is not a fixed size. It is determined by the referee in consultation with both captains before a game starts. Usually existing floor markings are used to avoid confusion. This means the crease varies in size at different locations.
The Goalkeeper must remain standing at all times and cannot be challenged by the opposing team within the crease.
Should the Goalkeeper extend "privileges" outwith the crease a penalty shot is automatically awarded.
A penalty shot is also awarded any time the Goalkeeper plays the puck and raises the stick above waist height, throws the stick to stop the puck, throws out the puck above shoulder height, skates across the halfway line, defends by kneeling or lying in front of the goal.
A safety option, when playing with rotating goalkeepers who are not wearing protective pads, to be agreed with the referee and team captains before play commences, is to only count goals when the puck is at floor level.
Playing without a Goalkeeper: No player has goalkeeper privileges. There is no crease, this is generally played when there are no line markings on the hall floor to denote the crease or only a few players are in the game. The decision to play a game without a Goalkeeper should be taken by both sides before the game proceeds. In this instance a goal only counts when two players in the same team play the puck after crossing the halfway line.
Play should be continuous. There is no out-of-bounds unless the puck is completely inaccessible. When this occurs behind the base line the puck is given to the Goalkeeper to play out from the crease.
Appeals, grievances, complaints, objections, should be made first to the team captain who then refers directly to the referee at the end of each playing session. The referee's adjudication is final.
Water Breaks
Today we are advised no physical effort can be maintained unless we drink copious amounts of water. When a team captain signals for a short water break, the referee will stop the game should it be deemed necessary. However, in Rollerhoc, the game is still on while this break is taking place. The referee restarts the game after one minute. (max 2 mins) The losing team resumes with a face-off whenever their side is in position, and may commence play without the referee. This means the opposing side must be ready at all times to play and defend.
Round Robin Tournaments
Usually 4 or 5 minute games played under the official rules, unless there is a variation agreed by all teams before the tournament commences. Player substitutions are not allowed in RRT games.
During the tournament teams are called to play in turn and must be ready to start play immediately, otherwise penalties apply for time wasting.
RRT Scoring: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw. Bonus Point for scoring 5 goals in one game.​ Bonus Point for a shut-out in one game.​ Plus an Extra Bonus Point when a team scores 5 goals + a shut-out in one game. The RRT winning team is the one with the most points at the end of the tournament.​
Anti-social behaviour, e.g., shouting, swearing, bad name-calling, spitting, is unacceptable at Rollerhoc games. Persistent offenders will be asked to leave the hall. It is also courteous to shake hands with opponents at the end of each game.
The rules are reviewed regularly to improve the game as play dictates.

High Stick! A Rollerhoc Foul
Rollerhoc is different. It fills the gap between skaters looking for a recreational and fitness activity on wheels without having to reach the heights and performance of roller hockey, and it's not costly to set up.
Understand Rollerhoc is for everyone that can skate a bit and stop a bit. By no means do you have to be an advanced skater. It is the variation of age and skating ability of the players within a mixed team that makes the game unique. Players should embrace the variation of individual skills, this game is about having fun, first and foremost.
Note, a goal scored in a Beginner-Rollerhoc game only counts if all the team have played the puck beforehand, this ensures new skaters are not excluded from play.
However, we do not recommend that adults and children play in the same team or game. Children should have their own junior version of Rollerhoc with shorter plastic sticks and a lightweight plastic puck similar to the type used in Eurohoc.
It is most important from the start that the concept of 'non-contact' embraces the game and the spirit of the game. Those that find this unacceptable have the choice of playing roller hockey with some other organisation.
Pop-Up Goals
The equipment used sets the type of play that is acceptable. The adult hockey stick is limited in length to 125cms from the tip of the blade to the end of the handle. Suitable junior ice hockey sticks normally fit this restriction.
If you are unable to procure a short enough stick you will require to shorten the handle by cutting it down to size. Under no circumstances is a longer stick permitted, not even for the tallest player. The puck is the medium weight plastic type used in street hockey. Again no other puck is acceptable.
As in all team games safety is of paramount importance. Initially players may not see the need to use hockey protection but as time goes on and skills improve the game starts to be played at a faster pace.
It is highly recommended that hockey pads, gloves and helmet with face guard (optional) are worn throughout the game.
It is hoped that in the future individual Rollerhoc groups will emerge and encourage skating on wheels in general.
Inline, quad and hockey skates are acceptable, and may play in the same game if players so wish.
Rollerhoc Stick - Max length 125cms
Should you be in interested in starting a group and need help or advice we are happy to assist. If you live in the Scottish central belt we can arrange to bring equipment for a trial game. Use the contact box to get in touch.
Who can play Rollerhoc?
Any adult (16+) skater that is capable of stopping on skates, but we are flexible.
Can I get lessons if I need to improve my stopping?
Yes, lessons can be arranged via the contact page
Do men & women of mixed ability play in the same team ?
Yes, they do.
Should I have played hockey before?
Previous hockey experience is not at all necessary.
Is there a lot of bumping & barging?
Definitely not in Rollerhoc.
Is hockey equipment supplied?
Yes, or you can bring your own stick as long as it complies with the rules.
What should I bring?
Safety Pads - Knee, Elbow & Wrist, plus a helmet. A cycle helmet is fine.
Can I hire skates & pads?
Yes, you can, but must book in advance. Email or text 07766 117365.
Which skates should I use?
Inlines, Quads or Hockey skates but not aggressive skates to avoid damage to the floor.
Will I get help the first time I come?
Can I drop in without prior notice?
Yes you can, but remember if you need to hire we have to know in advance.
Where do you play?
We play at Maccabi, Giffnock, on Wednesday evenings.
What is Maccabi's address?
May Terrace, Giffnock, G46 6LD The complex has ample parking space.
How can I find out you're definitely playing before I travel?
Check with Allan on 07766 117365 if you are not part of the chat group and get automatic notifications of any cancelled events.


Rollerhoc Stick - Max length 125cms
Safety Gear Make Sense